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Wong Sam and Assistants p. 291

Wong Sam and Assistants p. 291

Q Wong Sam and Assistants p. 291 Using specific examples from the actual primary source document, how did the Chinese immigrants negotiate the cultural differences and unequal power relations with the dominant EuroAmerican culture? 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences. 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to specific passages from the reading in your own words. 3. Comment on two other posts, clarifying or elaborating on the post. 4. Extra points for responding to comments on your initial post.

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Chinese immigrants used the help of Phrase Books, published for them by Wells Fargo to relate to Euro-American culture. It appears that the Chinese were taught phrases in order to speak directly to the Europeans, and not to stray off of the subject because this could give the White men an opportunity to mistreat them. For example. some communication used when making purchases or selling items were with these phrases: Sometimes I bought them cheap, sometimes I sold them cheap and now I sell them at market prices, which implies that the phrases were meant to influence the Europeans that the Chinese were aware of the significance of the order of trade.